kid gloves

you get none of my sweetness
the resolve it took in choosing you
none of my comfort
none of my fierceness (didn’t you know how much I was carrying?)
you get none of my softness
the strength it took to call off the wolves
none of me
just how you wanted

This > That

I wake up every day so grateful
That I love my dog more than I want to jump in front of a train 

That I want to love and be loved 
More than I want to jump in front of a train 

Because every single day I really, really 
Really want to jump in front of a train  

more spirit, less religion.

Spirit is what connects you to the universe and everyone in it. Religion aims to divide and rule, with the promise of some ultimate reward that never comes in this life, and not until you’ve destroyed yourself or someone else. Religion of all kinds has been the bloodiest government in the history of our civilization.

I’m thoroughly disappointed in the world. In its actions and in its reactions this week alone. Yet each day I am relentlessly optimistic.

I am cynical, yet hopeful.

It’s exhausting.